Sanatorium for Seamstresses 

commissioned by the Trash-5 festival 

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


My proposition for the Trash-6 was to connect the problem of Waste with the problem of Class. I think that research on pollution and toxic governmental politicks toward waste can not be progressed without looking at the life and work conditions of people who are working to organize this waste. Within this frame, I focused on the sewing workers, who are producing the clothes for export to Russia and partly China and Kazakhstan. The sewing waste often used to be burned in the city of Bishkek, sadly contributing to the ossified order of things.

The idea of a Sanatorium for Seamstressesis derived from the project Utopian Unemployment Union, started back in 2012It is the ongoing research on alternative collaborations, aimed to subvert the status quo. Besides the fact of the wrong use of sewing waste by burning it, there a toxic work policies that play an important role in the story.

The proposition is to construct the situation for the encounter of seamstresses and artists aiming to reflect upon the idea of toxic work relationships metaphorically seeing as a waste and the literal unsolved problem with waste as a result of the disproportional spread of the capital, as a implication of the corruption and nepotism, allowing people at power to waste the money which supposed to be for the solving the problem of suffering lower class people from pollution.

Installations Utopian Unions

Installation ММОМА/Moscow/2013

Dump Dreams “ARTISTS AND MIGRANTS UNITE” Shedhalle /Zurich 2011

NOVINKI/Matthias Meindl/2010

(copy from

„Wir arbeiten ja mit Menschen. Das sind nicht Leinwände und Farben. Das ist unglaublich schwer.“

Interview mit Natal’ja Peršina-Jakimanskaja (Gljuklja) aus der Gruppe Factory of Found Clothes und der Gruppe Chto delat


15 Jahre feministische Themen mit der Gruppe Factory of Found Clothes und ein zunehmendes Engagement in der linksaktivistischen Künstlergruppe Chto delat. Umgeben von der von der Künstlerin umgenähten Kleidung, in einer schön gealterten Atelierwohnung im legendären Benua-Haus auf dem Kamennoostrovskij Prospekt in Petersburg, fand dieses Gespräch mit der Künstlerin Natal’ja Peršina-Jakimanskaja über Kunst und Politik statt.


Three Mothers and one Choir. Mutter eins.

novinki: Natalja, Du gehörst gleichzeitig der Gruppe Factory of Found Clothes (F.N.O.) und der Gruppe Chto delat an. Erzähl doch bitte, inwiefern Du diese Projekte und Tätigkeiten im Moment trennst. Sind das für dich zwei verschiedene Aspekte deines Schaffens oder sind die Grenzen zwischen ihnen verwischt?

Gljuklja: Das sind verschiedene Formen des Schaffens, Continue reading “NOVINKI/Matthias Meindl/2010”

Utopian Unemployment Union 2010

Russia, 2009.
14 minutes

Utopian Trade Union for the Unemployed No. 2


We think that art should help people.

If you’ve been fired from your job and you’re in despair,

The ballerinas of the Vaganova Academy are willing to give you a helping hand,

And even a foot, and they’ll even give you their hearts.

The monstrous alienation that exists among people will be overcome.

There can be no doubt about this.

The way we move our bodies, like how we feel, can be transformed.

When you’re suspended between spaces,

When you’re stuck between stable structures,

Then your condition is revolutionary!

Reinvent yourself!

Utopian Unemployment Union N2

Utopian Unemployment Union

In one of the rooms or transitory spaces (staircase, hallway) of the Winter Palace takes place a dance of migrant workers and ballet dancers .(Vaganovskoe uchilishe). It is a performance with a structure: first the ballet dancers teach the migrants how to dance, then the opposite. We install their national women’s dresses. In the first part the dresses are “seated” around in the chairs. In the second part these dresses are hanging from the ceiling. There is a figure of a moderator who directs the dance, like a conductor. This figure looks without gender, as an androgyn. Continue reading “Utopian Unemployment Union N2”

Utopian Unemployment Union N1

Our project has its origin in a real story. Our friend has told us about her husband who had been fired and was so terrified that run away to his mother’s place. He was ashamed to look in his wife’s and children’s eyes as it is said: ‘A man without a job is like a horse without a saddle’. The wife and children kept telling him: ‘We love you the way you are, we don’t care if you’ve got a job or not’. But he was devastated. He started drinking and nearly became a drunkard, but suddenly a miracle happened. He found a new job, his wife started working too and the story had a happy ending.. Continue reading “Utopian Unemployment Union N1”

Inspired by Natalie Pershina | Copyright © 2018