Dear people!
My name is Gluklya, I am of Russian origin, living now in Amsterdam and St-Petersburg (RU), artist and therapist, acting individually.
I am also a co-founder and member of the multidisciplinary platform chto delat
I am welcoming you to perform together on the 27 February at 1 pm in Purpluscode building!
Please bring a garment with you that you would like to burn!
I believe that art can heal and give strength and that we need to invent other rituals that can mobilize our community in our dark times. Other rituals than the ones that society forces us to do every day. Let’s resist artificial strategy of our governments to separate us from each other and form our own needs and feelings.
I propose to burn the clothes that brought you disappointment or pain. Something that you want to forgive and forget. I propose to see burning as an act of forgiving, because only after forgiving you can forget.
Let me share with you the preposition of our meeting :
1 pm
Art talk of Gluklya as an intro to the performance
2 pm
Sharing the stories of clothes that you want to burn
3 pm
Burning the garments
4 pm
Celebration feast
5 pm
Departure because of traffic
Let s upgrade ourselves collectively!
Maybe during the process of this performance, we will come to new revitalizing solutions for us and society. It is our journey and I am welcoming you to step into it!
Sincerely yours,

I have constructed the situation to share the negative experiences that have happened with the members of the purpluscode community. We talked and focused on the clash between the personal and the political. There were stories about sexual and psychological assault, a frustration about nobody coming to the open call, and others.
I proposed to burn the clothing pieces that were acting as a reminder to the unpleasant experiences that people carry. After the act of burning, liberational sprits came upon us, and we had an open discussion.