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Resistance Strategies. The Strange Never Surrender

This winter an exhibition «Resistance Strategies. The strange don’t surrender» by Gluklya (Natalya Pershinina-Yakimanskaya) took place in the Saint Petersburg branch of the State Center for Contemporary Art. Gluklya answered questions of Aroundart.

Olga Zhitlina: In the manifesto of the FFC (Factory of Found Clothes) you and Tzaplya write about sentimentality, but about a non-Hollywood type of it.  How can an artist re-appropriate feelings from Hollywood?

Gluklya: We just wanted to work with feelings, and that’s all. The statement was actually written while polemicizing with those artists, who are afraid of working with feelings, because everything is like appropriated by this dirty capitalist world. But if we follow this chaste way, it seems like we’ll fall into hermeticity. Let’s choose our own language (and aesthetics is a language), and let people learn this new language! And at this point I have a question: “How will they actually learn it”? Maybe, we should still leave some codes that will allow people to recognize themselves if they conceive a wish to share the artist’s convictions? Continue reading “Resistance Strategies. The Strange Never Surrender”

Pensioner’s Resistance

Performative Action with the veterans of the choir “Singing Hearts”, St-Petersburg ,2012.

Protest against false election of Vladimir Putin, 2012 St-Petersburg


The sketch for the up-going performance with migrants from Tadgikistan and artists community in St-Petersburg.I am playing with the forms ,trying to find the perfect image for the performance . The snake mean the ambivalence of the any political idea ,which usually brings people a lot of problems .The idea of multiculturalism sounds very good ,but probably faced with the reality became less attractive .


The sketch for the performance “Migrants and Dancers Unite “. Continuation  of my research about migrants Diasporas in St-Petersburg . The drawing was inspired by the migrants death statistic . The statistic shows unbelievable  facts of brutal violation and murders toward migrants . The example of such statistics you can find in the document in attachment . In the drawing you can see the one part of the statistic (right corner down)
Kuziboev Hikamatullo Usmanovich
14.01.1976      Dushanbe    01.03.2011    Cause of death: whole-body cold exposure

Installation Amsterdam, Pensioner’s Resist

Dump Dreams “ARTISTS AND MIGRANTS UNITE” Shedhalle /Zurich 2011


Made for Chto Delat video «Museum Songspiel: The Netherlands 20XX»

Inspired by Natalie Pershina | Copyright © 2018